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How To Write Descriptive Essay Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Ethical Concepts in Counselling
Moral Concepts in Counseling Morals relates to convictions we hold about what comprises right direct. They are good standards embraced by an individual or gathering to give rules to right direct and speak to optimistic objectives or the most extreme norms which are set and implemented by proficient affiliations. The American Counseling Associations (2005) Code of Ethics expresses that when advisors experience a moral quandary they are required to painstakingly consider a moral dynamic procedure. While directing a customer, the advocate is given endless difficulties to perceive when and where a particular moral idea, standard and rule may be pivotal. Moral measures and rules educate our judgment as they help us perceive, thoroughly consider and discover or make way to manage an issue. The manner in which we react to an issue has a lot to do with our feeling of what is important and right. In this point of view, the reaction is viewed as being reasonable and wise for the customer or maybe is in the client’s wellbeing for proceeded with advancement. At the point when instructors work from this profoundly close to home and abstract position, they call upon a feeling of ethical quality. Profound quality is worried about points of view of right and appropriate direct and includes an assessment of activities based on some more extensive social setting or strict norm. Profound quality fills in as an establishment to moral practice and dynamic. To choose morally is to initially choose ethically. (Qualities and Ethics in Counseling: Real â€Life Ethical Decision Making, Dana Heller Levit) Qualities relates to convictions and perspectives that give guidance to regular living. Customers moral issues turns into a situation when they pit moral, lawful or authoritative necessities against one another or when the moral codes become quiet on the customers issues. As for these , finding periodic irregularities among assets are inescapable. Thus, to choose a favored game-plan from among the clashing rules, guides utilize a dynamic model that permits them to gauge the overall significance of the data acquired. An organized strategy for data assortment and audit can encourage the moral dynamic procedure. The utilization of this model may assist advocates with avoiding moral unfortunate behavior and to seek after moral goals. The instructor basically should be curious toward the starting period of a moral dynamic procedure. The underlying advance is to distinguish the issue or the quandary based moral, good and legitimate measurements by social affair all important data that lights up the circumstance. At the end of the day, guides need to get an away from of the id ea of the issue through the use of viable directing aptitudes, for example, reflexive inquiries. The subsequent advance includes a cautious assessment of the most basic issues preoccupied from all the data accumulated already. Now, endeavors ought to be made to survey the rights, obligations and the government assistance of customers and different partners worried about the quandary. This audit stretches out to the point of considering the social parts of the circumstance affecting the customers government assistance. Besides, the utilization moral standards of self-sufficiency, nonmaleficence, value, equity and loyalty to address the circumstance is unavoidable here. Concerning independence, the instructor ought to permit customers the option to pick and act as per their inclination. Nonmaleficence is an essential worry that underlines on abstaining from activities that may chance hurting customers. A model would be improperly marking customers with indicative terms that may signif y variation from the norm, which could present genuine results to the government assistance of the customer. Advantage is applied when instructors regard customers respect and advance the government assistance of customers. The guideline of equity alludes to being reasonable and nondiscriminatory towards customers. Loyalty manages dependability to guarantees made and to reality. There lies an issue in maintaining constancy when an advisor works with a minor customer and is committed to be faithful to the customer, while the rule of advantage may proposes that divulgence might be best for the entire family. In such conditions, when advocates are left between the clashing standards, they may need to organize certain standards over others as required by the circumstance. The third step is to audit the moral codes that are applicable to the difficult circumstance. Moral codes brief, control and illuminate huge qualities and concerns with respect to moral conduct. Experts looked for the code of morals and analyze the specific segments pertinent to the problem to consider in the event that they offer potential arrangements. Now, they likewise consider if their qualities and morals are steady with or are in struggle with the significant codes. In case of an irregularity with a specific norm, advisors look for administrative direction and explain the issues. After amending the irregularities, they produce a method of reasoning to help their position and record their judgment and thinking to legitimize their activities to comprehend the difficulty. The noteworthiness of the fourth step includes staying up with the latest on the pertinent state and government laws that may apply to moral predicaments. So as to do as such, the guide should be learned in the relevant laws and guidelines. Simultaneously, deciphering these legitimate resolutions as per how they may identify with customers issue turns into a major part of the dynamic procedure. This would be relevant in issu es of penetrating secrecy, detailing maltreatment of the defenseless , managing issues that represent a peril to self or others, parental rights and record keeping. It will likewise get the job done to look for direction from proficient bodies concerning equivocal moral or legitimate circumstance. After careful evaluation of all moral, clinical and lawful issues relating to the issue, advisors present their realities of the circumstance and get interview from proficient experts in the fifth step . This is particularly valuable when advocates are wrestling with a questionable moral issue. As a moral difficulty can be mentally overpowering and genuinely upsetting for both the customer and the instructor, target criticism from different solid sources, for example, partners, managers or between hierarchical bodies can give a more extensive perspective on the issue or even another emphasis on unconsidered realities. Other than counseling experts who share similar perspectives, it might l ikewise do the trick to look for aptitude from diverse substances, as required by the idea of the issue. With satisfactory data and direction close by, the advocate is currently at a situation to define potential answers for the problem (Frame Williams, 2005). Generally, the 6th step is tied in with pondering the conceivable and likely explanations of activities. Evidently, it requires a broad investigation process that would permit advisors to spread out the potential strategies, while simultaneously representing the moral commitments of such activities. As guides audit the potential outcomes, it might be basic to include customers in the investigation procedure before choosing the most plausible blueprints. This is to guarantee that choices are made to the wellbeing of the customer. As it was done in before steps, archiving these conversations and would be useful for advocates to legitimize their activities in case of them being addressed. The seventh step involves the past one as it advises the advisor to identify the outcomes of different choices that were taken subsequent to assess ing the potential blueprints. This includes thinking about the positive and negative results of every alternative while simultaneously gauging the overall noteworthiness of every choice. Customers contribution matters during this examination to guarantee that the choices float towards the wellbeing of the customer. To accomplish this the guide may utilize the five good standards of self-sufficiency, nonmaleficence, usefulness, equity and loyalty as a system to think about the results of a specific game-plan. In the last advance of the model the instructor settles on what seems, by all accounts, to be the best strategy. Subsequent to producing the most ideal choices and their results, advocates along with customers and other administrative meeting, would be select and execute the most suitable course of activities. Usage of choices is trailed by evaluating the suitability of the results of those choices. The dynamic procedure arrives at the last stage when the advocate ponders this a ppraisals and discusses them with customers. Be that as it may, a follow up might be important to decide whether the activities taken are powerful or in the event that they require a change. To wrap things up, it is fundamental to report steps taken in order to explain choices, encourage thinking and stay away from excess endeavors. All the more critically, having a documentation is huge if proof of these endeavors are later mentioned during an examination. In by and large this moral dynamic system fills in as a deliberative and innovative methodology that aides advising experts to satisfy their moral obligations in the midst of a slippery circumstance. It help perplexed advisors to think however a moral quandary and to show up at a morally proper choice. In addition, the structure additionally assists with forestalling moral infringement by empowering guides to recognize the complexities of moral dynamic as a premise on which skillful, moral and expert advising can be drilled. Rega rdless of its valuable angles, the dynamic model does misses the mark in specific regions. In proof, Corey, Corey and Callanan (1998) demonstrate this model can't be applied in a robotized or summed up way, as professionals frequently get themselves confron
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Analysis of Capital Punishment in the Films
The death penalty can be characterized as a legal procedure that includes an individual being exposed to some type of serious discipline for offenses submitted. Subsequent to watching the movies titled â€Å"Thin Blue line,†â€Å"the Empty chair†and â€Å"Fighting for life in the Death Belt,†it very well may be seen that they all incorporate the subject of capital punishment.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Analysis of Capital Punishment in the Films explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More at times, it very well may be seen that a portion of the casualties experience the death penalty for violations they didn't submit. This article is a response diary that will explain the issues of the death penalty as communicated in the above motion pictures. In the film titled the â€Å"Thin Blue Line,†Robert Woods, who is a cop in Dallas is killed by a person who he had halted for abusing traffic rules. As destiny would have it, Randall Adams is indicted for the wrongdoing and subsequently is condemned to life detainment. 12 years into his conviction, a person who has affirmed as the central observer for his situation, David Harris, is seen as blameworthy for an alternate homicide and is presented with capital punishment. As the film reaches a conclusion, Harris admits to have likewise killed Wood and Adams is in this way liberated. As one watches this film, it is hard to miss the filmmaker’s solid resistance against the death penalty as the film uncovered imperfections in the criminal equity framework that wrongly send numerous convicts to their demise, some for violations they didn't perpetrate. The film â€Å"The void chair†is likewise another film in which the death penalty is incorporated. This film investigates an encounter that many would discover extremely hard to manage: that of managing the occasions following the killing of a nearby individual from one’s family. The storylin e is around four misfortune stories one being that of Renny Cushing who needed to manage the homicide of his dad on account of a neighbor who additionally happens to be a cop. The other story of misfortune is that of Sue Norton whose guardians were ransacked as well as gone for a pickup truck and 61 USD.Advertising Looking for exposition on sociologies? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The other two misfortune stories are those of Peter and Sue Lowenstein and Susan Ramuda, whose child was killed over Lockerbie and whose little girl was squashed to death with a stone, individually. On a more critical look these movies, one gets the chance to understand that they are about the battles that people manage following the loss of friends and family. While some will push for the death penalty to be applied to the killers of their friends and family, others restrict the measure. For example, Cushing goes in to a solid supporter again st capital punishment sentence and heads an association that advocates for compromise of the victims’ families. Strangely, Norton turns out to be exceptionally an extremely dear companion of the person who killed his folks and even battles, however futile, to spare the killer from capital punishment. Those for capital punishment in the film are spoken to by Ramunda who turns into a solid backer for capital punishment and in numerous examples, is a partner of Cushing. By and by, I don't advocate for capital punishment and thusly, I normally discovered Norton’s and Cushing’s ways of thinking all the more convincing as I viewed the film. Somewhat, I additionally think the creators of the film likewise think a similar given that they appear to remember Cushing for the most remarkable minutes. In the film, Cushing contends against capital punishment by naming it as an image of disappointment by the general public to fulfill the victims’ needs. Another sentence that is probably going to continue waiting in the psyches of watchers is where Cushing calls recuperating a procedure and not an occasion. To him, the recuperating procedure is normally portrayed by absolution however execution just goes to show the influenced individuals’ absence of pardoning. I totally agree with this announcement and to be perfectly honest, I figure the creators of the movies do too. One more film that handles the death penalty issue is â€Å"Fighting for life in the Death-bed.†This film is an assessment of this issue from Stephen Bright’s viewpoint. Brilliant, in the film, is among the main legal advisors in the land upholding against capital punishment, and has done as such for over two decades. The film focuses on the staying hardly any days and long stretches of two of his customers as he fervently attempts to spare them from being executed. Despite the fact that the two men are seen as blameworthy of having occupied with terrible viola tions, Bright thinks of solid proclamations testing the remain of the criminal equity framework to execute his customers. Taking everything into account, the death penalty is as yet an issue that brings out compelling feelings passing by the various discussions concerning the issue. This diary has investigated three movies which are all against the demise sentence.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Analysis of Capital Punishment in the Films explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More In my own view, I think the death penalty is too extraordinary a measure particularly when applied wrongly to honest casualties similarly as appeared in the â€Å"Thin blue line.†Even for situations where the indicted people are blameworthy of grave violations, the general public should look for methods of recovery and excusing these people as opposed to exposing them to death. This paper on Analysis of Capital Punishment in the Films was composed and put together by client Eleanor S. to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Behind the scenes of Glamour Part 1
Behind the scenes of Glamour Part 1 Glamorous moments, in the traditional sense, are fleeting at MIT. There are the occasional formal dances and student runway shows, but it’s typical to neglect your appearance after working on a problem set until 4 am the night before, or knowing that you will be spending the rest of the day in lab. So you may be surprised to hear that 2 MIT students, Alia Whitney-Johnson (’08) and I are among the Top 10 College Women of 2007 chosen by GLAMOUR Magazine. This annual competition has featured fifty years of female college juniors with leadership, community involvement, unique goals, and academic excellence. Two MIT women were also chosen in 2004. I received the application from a sorority sister and filled it out with no expectation of winning, so you can imagine my shock when I got a call in early March saying that I was a finalist. It wasn’t until halfway through the conversation that I asked for clarification on what exactly she meant by “finalist†(= one of the top 10). Phone interviews with a Glamour writer ensued, where I shared my dreams, goals, accomplishments, inspiration, secret obsessions, and more. Until we all went to New York City in April for the photo shoot, I had no idea who the other girls were (well, except for Alia, who I heard about through the grapevine). We got to spend a fabulous weekend in Manhattan; they got us rooms in a trendy hotel, and we had free time all weekend except during our scheduled photo shoot time. The girls were from a spectrum of schools and geographical locations, with a striking variety of career goals â€" including physics professor, WNBA basketball player, secretary of state, and philosopher. It was great to meet such accomplished young women. And then, there was the three-hour photo shoot. It took place in a huge photo studio overlooking the Hudson River. We had world-class stylists simultaneously applying makeup, doing our nails, and blow drying our hair. Then we were whisked to the dressing area, where we could choose from 10 racks of black and white clothes from famous designers and a long row of shoes. None other than the fashion editor of Glamour and her assistant were there to help. The photographer, Pamela Hanson, was just about as nice as can be. I expected to receive a lot of direction regarding my pose, but she just had me stand on the “X†marked on the floor and then she immediately started snapping pictures. The wind blower was making my eyes tear up, and she asked if I had glasses. So I grabbed them from my backpack and it was that picture that ultimately made it into the magazine. Needless to say, it was an extremely fun weekend! I got to meet a group of inspiring girls and have a behind-the-scenes look at the magazine world. Pick up the June issue of Glamour (I’m on page 185…), or click here to see the article! We’ll be going back to New York in the beginning of June for more activities (including meeting Martha Stewart, who was a finalist in the competition in 1961); I’ll definitely blog about it when the time comes. Stephanie, Alia, and me, at the photo studio: Megan, with the hair stylist: Alia, with the Glamour fashion editor and the photographer, surrounded by clothes and shoes!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
A.D. The Abbreviation Used in Dates for Anno Domini
Definition: A.D. is the Latin abbreviation for Anno Domini, which means in the year of our Lord, or, more fully, anno domini nostri Jesu Christi the year of our Lord Jesus Christ. A.D. is used with dates in the current era, which is considered the era since the birth of Christ. The counterpart to Anno Domini is B.C. for Before Christ. Because of A.D.s obvious Christian overtones, many prefer to use more secular abbreviations like C.E. for Common Era. However, many lay publications, like this one, still use A.D. Although unlike English, Latin is not a word-order language, it is conventional in English writing for A.D. to precede the year (A.D. 2010) so that the translation, read in word order, would mean in the year of our lord 2010. (In Latin, it wouldnt matter whether it was written A.D. 2010 or 2010 A.D.) Note: The abbreviation a.d. may also stand for ante diem meaning the number of days before the kalends, nones, or ides of a Roman month. The date a.d.XIX.Kal.Feb. means 19 days before the kalends of February. Dont count on the a.d. for ante diem to be lower case. Inscriptions in Latin often appear only in capital letters. Also Known As: Anno Domini Alternate Spellings: AD (without the periods) Examples: In A.D. 61 Boudicca led a rebellion against the Romans in Britain. If the terms A.D. and B.C. confuse you, think of a number line with A.D. on the plus () side and B.C. on minus (-) side. Unlike the number line, there is no year zero. More on Latin abbreviations in: Common Latin Abbreviations Used in English
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Effects Of Air Pollution On Human Health Essay
Objectives 1. To establish the definition of air pollution and pollutants and determine their chemical nature. 2. To identify the causes of Air pollution 3. To define air pollution in India with respect to law as stated in the Indian Constitution. 4. To describe the Supreme Court interjection due to Delhi’s pollution and its results. 5. To assess the air pollution level in Delhi and compare the levels before and after Diwali 6. To find the level of pollution caused by different sources and the data supporting it. 7. To analyze the level of pollution in Delhi by comparing it to prescribed limits prescribed by various institutions. 8. To study the effects of air pollution on human health by secondary data sources and interviews conducted by our group. 9. To study the effects of air pollution on the floral life. 10. To study the data given by the premier institution CPCB. 11. To find out about the measures taken by government after Great Delhi Smog (2016) and study the sustainable practices that can be or have been taken in accordance with air pollution. METHODOLOGY We will be measuring and analyzing the ambient air pollution of Delhi by the standards of Central Pollution Control Board, India. The parameters and standards we are taking is the concentration of the following pollutants : Prime focus areas of our paper : Average air pollution level in Delhi , Air quality index of Delhi , and specific focus on the effects of Diwali and burning of agricultural crops on theShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Air Pollution On Human Health1319 Words  | 6 PagesCareful What You Breathe In: Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health The idea that we, as a global community, are destroying the very earth we commonly share is something that takes time for people to fully understand. It takes research and a open mind to be knowledgeable about the environmental issues the human race is causing to planet earth, as well as the issues that it is causes to our personal health. Air pollution is a large problem that exists in the United States. However, the challengeRead MoreThe Effects Of Air Pollution On Human Health1874 Words  | 8 PagesAIR POLLUTION Do you know 3.3 million people die each year due to air pollution? According to Borenstein, â€Å"Air pollution kills more than HIV and malaria combined.†Both of these diseases have caused worry from many people. How come people do not seem as worried about air pollution? In a study conducted by Harvard University, they found that â€Å"the yearly death total will double to about 6.6 million a year by 2050†because of air pollution. Something needs to be done in order to control air pollutionRead MoreThe Effects Of Air Pollution On Human Health850 Words  | 4 Pagesincreasing, so does pollution. The debate associated with this contamination on the environment has to do with how much should be done to stop pollution, and whether or not this is a serious enough issue to be concerned with. Well, this issue should disturb people. The most frightening point about it is that these poisonous impurities infect the Earth in multiple forms, including air pollution and water pollution. The value of Earth is incomparable, and the presence of pollution devaluing it needsRead MoreThe Effects Of Air Pollution On Human Health And / Or The Environment Essay1780 Words  | 8 PagesAir pollution refers to a â€Å"broad range of contaminates†(Brimblecombe Atkins, 2013, p.20) found in the atmosphere that are harmful to human health and/or the environment. While air pollution can, at its most simplistic, be defined as â€Å"any input of chemical, aerosol, or particulate†(Blauvelt Gates, 2011, p. 17) found to be deleterious and airborne, the term can be subdivided in many ways by source, components, and mode of formation. (Blauvelt Gates, 2011, p. 17) Typically, an essential distinctionRead MoreEffects Of Outdoor Air Pollution And Its Effects On Human Health1405 Words  | 6 Pagespoor air quality due to outdoor air pollution and its’ effects on human health. I have examined numerous documents, learning about the anthropogenic causes of the air pollution in addition to studying the hazards the contaminated air presents to the public, particularly in urban areas. I have created a policy that I believe directly addresses the current needs of the atmosphere in order to continue to reduce the amount of pollution in the air we breathe, in turn improving our overall health. 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It is the emission of particulates, harmful materials, and biological molecules in the Earth’s atmosphere and is caused by both human and natural factors. The effects of air pollution are shocking. It causes numerous diseasesRead MoreEffects Of Population Pollution Essay1464 Words  | 6 Pagesnegative impacts on the environment. Each day the air around us is becoming more polluted as the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere caused by human activities increases each day. As population continues to gradually increase, it is causing harmful effects in terms of air pollution. An increase in the number of people directly varies with the pollution that is emitted into the environment. Moreso, the human population is polluting the air due to the use of vehicles such as cars, trucksRead MoreThe Effects Of Air Pollution On Plants, Animals, And Structures951 Words  | 4 PagesDescriptive Analysis: Air Pollution in California Holly Torres California Baptist University November 11, 2015 Background Information Air pollution has adverse effects on plants, animals, human beings, and structures; air pollution is caused by the introduction of foreign elements, fumes, and other impurities in the air. Over time, air pollution has been a major health problem caused by both human and natural causes. As the years advance, air pollution has become an issue of concern throughoutRead MoreEffects Of Air Pollution Essay1282 Words  | 6 Pagesmany kinds of pollution, but one that has the most impact on humans would be air pollution. In order to live, we must breathe air and surprisingly some things that we breathe takes a toll on our health. Air pollution occurs when pollutants are released into the atmosphere. It has both chronic and acute effects on human health which effects a number of different systems and organsFossil fuel combustion such as diesel fuel, coal, gasoline and natural gas is the main source of air pollution. Most of this
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Summary of the Article “All Fired Up-Tapping The Rockies†by Mitchell Free Essays
The article ‘All fired up-Tapping the Rockies’ by John G. Mitchell appeared in July 2005 issue of National Geographic. It is an interesting commentary on energy development initiatives that are being planned for Rocky mountain region in Wyoming. We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of the Article â€Å"All Fired Up-Tapping The Rockies†by Mitchell or any similar topic only for you Order Now The article identifies five important locations in Rocky Mountains that have been selected by the government for energy exploration. The Bureau of Land Management controls these regions and can lease them out for energy development when the right time comes. Already, Pinedale mesa has seen aggressive gas and energy development activities which have dented the beautiful landscape to a large extent. The area is laced with pipelines and there are already 500 wells that BLM plans to use for natural gas extraction purposes. The number of wells is likely to rise to more than 3,000 soon. It must be made clear that if all these regions are fully exploited, it can cause serious harm to the environment and for this reason, there is a provision in Bush administration’s 2001 National energy policy report that indicates that 40 percent of natural gas resources found in Rocky Mountains will not be used because of environmental concerns. But opponents put the figures at 12 percent. It is interesting that while BLM is proposing more aggressive exploration, it has not yet fully exploited the existing leased natural gas resources. Out of close to 46,000 leases nationwide, only half were producing anything while the rest were lying idle. Why lease more land when the existing leases are not being utilized properly. Throughout this region, two types of natural gas are being targeted: tight sands gas and coal bed methane (CBM). The Powder River Basin is rich with CBM resources but extracting the gas is more costly than sands gas even though drilling costs much less. The extraction problem is also aggravated because of the water that comes out during exploration. This water has to be safely disposed off but it is highly saline and can thus cause damage to land and crops. While the officials might come up with many benefits that they feel would accrue to landowners with this kind of exploitation, the residents of the region do not agree with them. People believe that due to lack of water, the area has become unlivable. Montana’s Rocky Mountain Front is another area rich in natural resources but it is less vulnerable than other parts because owners have rights to mineral under their land. However if aggressive energy developments efforts are started in this region, even these owners will be forced to allow vehicular access to neighboring wells along with pipelines and drill pads. People are furious with BLM’s inability and lack of commitment to provide safer environment. Some ranchers in San Juan Basin complain that their region has become unfit for cattle because of the wells. Land erosion and pollution have made the environment hostile to cattle. The article speaks against government’s energy policies and explains the environmental damages that would result due to unmitigated use of land for energy exploration. People have complained of government’s failure to take into consideration environmental safeguards which has made living harder. Water resources are being brutally exploited for gas exploration when it is desperately required by the residents to meet their daily consumption needs. How to cite Summary of the Article â€Å"All Fired Up-Tapping The Rockies†by Mitchell, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
ProsCons of Living in Megacities free essay sample
The quality of life in such megalopolises is better than was predicted. Life expectancy is longer in the big cities than in smaller ones or in the countryside. Urban dwellers are more likely to have good sewage disposal and running water than are their rural compatriots. And cities tend to offer superior medical care, greater educational opportunities and more jobs. 2. In the city people have more chances to be employed, as the range of jobs is greater than in a village. Besides in the city people have more chances to succeed. 3. Cities may provide better services to people, reduce poverty, improve life expectancy and more wisely manage our planets massive population growth. 4. International aid money has gone largely to funding rural projects. 5. Environmentally, concentrating the population in urban areas is preferable. Already there are so many people on the planet that if every household in the world had a tract house and a small plot of earth, there would be no land left for farming – let alone for parks. We will write a custom essay sample on ProsCons of Living in Megacities or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page . Sprawl is a much less efficient way to use the planet’s resources – and it seriously worsens urban problems like air pollution because so much energy is required to move people around. 7. Life in the city is much easier than in the country developed transport system, sewerage (water drain) system, information, sports, shopping malls, etc. 8. Life is never dull in the city, people always have something to do here. There is far more entertainment in the city than in the country. Cities offer high concentration of good things in life: big stores, restaurants, theatres, cinema, art galleries. Life is more convenient in a city: services are always better here, in the city people are more open-minded. It is possible to go out, make friends and never be cut off from them by weather conditions. 9. Many people love the busy city life. It is enough for them to visit a country at weekends. Cons: 1. Pollution is the greatest disadvantage of the city life of today. Polluted air is hanging like a brown cloud over cities. Dirt and smoke are pouring from the buildings of cites and factories. Polluted urban air causes respiratory distress, particularly in children, and elderly people. The increased number of motor vehicles not only jam the city streets but pollute the city air as well. Cars give a collection of pollutants. In bright, calm weather, sunlight turns the chemicals into a poison smog. All big cities have problems with air pollution. 2. High crime rates and massive traffic jams. . Noise pollution is the prà ¾blà µm of big cities too. 4. Megacities need mega-economies to support them, but as big economies improve, so, too, do infrastructure, transportation, telecommunications. 5. The rush-hour with crowded streets, packed trains, full buses that happens twice a day is one of them. 6. Cost of living is very high in the cities, in addition, people live under constant threat; life is not quiet in the cities, it causes stresses and heart dis eases, in the city people lose touch with land, rhythms of nature. Everyone who cares about his health tries to move out of the city. 7. Conditions are difficult in the world largest metropolises. Poverty, crime, homelessness and drug abuse are endemic in areas that have undergone rapid industrialization and urbanization. 8. Living in the countryside is cheaper and safer than in a city. It provides people with more security. There is less crime and, of course, there is less traffic there. Life in the countryside is quiet, peaceful, and healthy.
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